Unveiling the Passionate Drama: A Tango Through History

In our ongoing exploration of American Smooth dance styles, we now turn our attention to the Tango – a dance that embodies passion, drama, and the irresistible allure of a sultry embrace. Join us as we unravel the rich history of the Tango, from its origins on the streets of Buenos Aires to its prominent place in the American Smooth program. And if dance history is something you are interested in, be on the lookout for our upcoming series exploring the rich and distinct history and styles of the Argentine Tango, a related yet very different dance form.

Origins of the Tango:

The Tango's roots can be traced back to the diverse cultural melting pot of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the late 19th century. Born in the working-class neighborhoods and influenced by a blend of European, African, and indigenous dance styles, the Tango began as a form of expression for the marginalized communities.

Evolution and Tango Music:

As the Tango evolved, so did its music. From the raw rhythms of the original Tango criollo to the sophisticated compositions of Astor Piazzolla, Tango music has played a pivotal role in shaping the dance. The emotive melodies and distinct beats create an atmosphere of tension and passion, perfectly mirroring the intense character of the dance itself.

Tango in American Smooth:

The Tango's journey from the streets of Buenos Aires to the grand ballrooms of the United States is a testament to its universal appeal. In the American Smooth program, the Tango found its place as a showcase of dramatic expression, sharp staccato movements, and the intimate connection between dance partners. Its inclusion in ballroom competitions highlights the Tango's ability to captivate audiences with its fiery spirit.

Learning the Tango with Dance Flavor:

Eager to embrace the passion of the Tango or enhance your dance repertoire? Dance Flavor provides an opportunity to learn this captivating dance and many others through live-stream lessons and on-demand classes. We guide you through the intricacies of the Tango, allowing you to master its dramatic flair and sensual movements from the comfort of your own home.

The Tango's journey from the vibrant streets of Buenos Aires to the American Smooth ballroom stage is a testament to its enduring appeal and passionate nature. Visit our Dance on Demand section to explore the captivating history of the Tango and learn this mesmerizing dance form. With our live-stream and on-demand classes, you can embrace the drama and intensity of the Tango, as well as a variety of other dance styles. Stay tuned for more insights into the world of American Smooth dance styles, where each step tells a story of emotion, connection, and self-expression.


Unraveling Elegance: The Intricate History of the Foxtrot


Unraveling the Timeless Elegance: A Dive into the History of the Waltz