Thriller: More Than Just a Moonwalk: How a Music Video Became a Cultural Phenomenon

It's a full moon, and the wind is howling. A car breaks down on a deserted road, and out stumbles Michael Jackson, looking dapper in a red leather jacket. Suddenly, the ground gives way, and he's surrounded by a horde of ghouls, zombies, and werewolves, all clawing at the moonlight. This, my friends, is not just the opening scene of Michael Jackson's legendary music video, Thriller. It's the beginning of a cultural revolution.

Released in 1983, Thriller wasn't just a music video; it was a short film, a horror extravaganza, and a dance masterpiece all rolled into one. Directed by John Landis, the video featured groundbreaking special effects, a chilling storyline, and of course, Michael Jackson's iconic choreography. But what is it about Thriller that continues to mesmerize us almost 40 years later?

Impact on Dance:

  • Innovation: Jackson's moves, like the moonwalk and the zombie shuffle, became instantly recognizable and endlessly imitated. He blurred the lines between pop and hip-hop, inspiring a generation of dancers and choreographers.

  • Storytelling: Thriller wasn't just about fancy footwork; it used dance to tell a story. The choreography mirrored the lyrics, building tension and suspense, leading to an epic dance break under the full moon.

  • Breaking Barriers: Jackson, a Black artist, dominated the MTV airwaves with Thriller, challenging racial stereotypes and proving that dance is a universal language, understood and enjoyed by all.

Impact on the World:

  • Pop Culture Explosion: Thriller was a global phenomenon, selling over 65 million copies, making it the best-selling album of all time. It cemented Jackson's status as the King of Pop and introduced millions to the world of music videos.

  • Halloween Staple: From costume parties to flash mobs, Thriller remains an essential part of Halloween celebrations. The song, the dance, the iconic red jacket – they're all instantly recognizable symbols of the spooky season.

  • Inspiring Creativity: Thriller challenged the boundaries of music videos, proving that they could be more than just promotional tools. It encouraged artists to think outside the box and use visuals to enhance their music.

Lessons for Dancers and Choreographers:

  • Think beyond steps: Thriller teaches us that choreography is about more than just technique. It's about storytelling, character development, and using movement to evoke emotions.

  • Embrace innovation: Don't be afraid to push boundaries and experiment with new styles and techniques. Michael Jackson wasn't afraid to break the mold, and that's what made him iconic.

  • Know your audience: Thriller resonated with millions because it tapped into universal themes and fears. Understand your audience, and create dance that connects with them on an emotional level.

Thriller is more than just a music video; it's a cultural touchstone, a testament to the power of dance, and a reminder that creativity can conquer all. So, put on your red jacket, practice your moonwalk, and let the rhythm of this legendary dance guide you. Remember, it's not just about the moves; it's about the magic you create with them.


Ready to try your hand (or foot) at dancing yourself? Schedule an online or in-person lesson here.

Know someone else who may become the next great choreographer, if they could only stop with the twirking already? Steer them toward greatness with our Gift Certificate for a private dance lesson.

And to find out more about innovations in dance, check out New Year, New Groove: Exploring Dance Trends for 2024.


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